ASCII table v1.2 COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 1991 - John Piepers CIS #: 100012,2060 INCLUDED FILES: ASC.EXE (Program File) ASCII.TXT (This File) Size: 6736 Bytes Size: 2651 Bytes Date: 17-March-1991 Date: 17-March-1991 PURPOSE: If you are as me: always looking for that darn ASCII table, nowhere to be found, searchin thru all kinds of reference materials. Stop looking, this is the program for you: ASC.EXE. It's a program which displays the ASCII table with conversions to hex, octal, decimal and binary base. You don't have look anymore, just type in ASC and you're there. Provided that you installed ASC.EXE in a directory which is included in your path. INSTRUCTIONS: Copy ASC.EXE into a directory which is included in your path and type ASC from where-ever you are in the system. Use it whenever you need a conversion or an ASCII character. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS: If you have any of these, you may send EMail to CIS: 100012,2060. I will try to fix any programming bugs as fast as possible. FREEWARE NOTICE: This program is FreeWare. No registration is required. In addition, this program may be copied and distributed freely as long as the two included files mentioned above are distributed together and left unaltered. I'v done my best to create a bug-free program (I even use it myselve), and I will of course respond reasonably quickly to bug reports and improvement suggestions, but in this lawsuit-happy age I'm forced to add: John Piepers cannot be held responsible for any loss of income or livelihood, damage to property or electronic data, however caused, as the result of using of the program in this package. John Piepers disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. John Piepers assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. You load this program into your computer memory entirely at your own risk. This program is _not_released_ into the public domain - it remains owned fully by John Piepers and may not be distributed except as a complete package including this document file. You may not charge a fee for the program in this package except for nominal shipping or handling fees. Within those limitations, feel free to distribute this package to other bulletin boards, coworkers, etc. ENJOY the program!